Response to Reading

 Objective: I can explore meaning in a text by analyzing my ideas and the TBE that lead me to them.

Writing in Response to Reading


Writing in Response to Reading

In a response you explore your ideas or a reading goal that you are working on. Create a thesis statement or question to explore. Give reasons for your thinking. Support your reasons with TBE (text based evidence). Wrap it up by restating your thinking and reasons.

BirchBark example:

What is the contrast between how Native Americans got food during the winter in this story to how we currently get food in the winter?  Why did Mama's actions with the bird cause such shock? 

Task Checklist, I have:

  • Clearly stated the topic of my response
  • Gave reasons to support my thinking
  • Includes text based evidence /examples to support my reasons
  • Use text based inferences to support my ideas
  • used complete sentences