Interpretive Literary Essay Help


Interpretive Essays

In the introduction we introduced: the book with a summary, our thesis statement about a theme, and give our supporting reasons that back up our claim.

In the second paragraph, we discussed a strong supporting reason and explained why it was important with text based evidence/details. Then we added their own thoughts or text to text connections.

In the third paragraph, we discussed a good supporting reason and explained why it was important with text based evidence/details. Then we added their own thoughts or text to text connections.

In the fourth paragraph, we discussed a strongest supporting reason and explained why it was important with text based evidence/details. Then we added their own thoughts or text to text connections.

In our conclusion, we restate our thesis in a different way (paraphrase ourselves) and summarize why we think all of our reasons support our statement. Finally, we get the reader to think further by adding  Text to World Connections.